Best universities in Africa
Find the best universities in Africa using Times Higher Education ’s World University Rankings data One of South Africa’s universities appear in the top 200 of the worldwide rankings; the Makerere University is Africa’s top university at position 156. =1. Makerere University Mekerere University Kampala (MUK) is the largest university in Uganda. It was established as a technical school in 1922 and has become one of the most prestigious universities in Africa. The university is made up of nine colleges and one school, serving around 36,000 undergraduates and 4,000 postgraduates. Many East African political figures have attended MUK, including presidents of Uganda, Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Kenya. The university was also a centre for literary activity and culture that formed a nationalistic identity in independent Uganda. Academic colleges function as faculties, spanning natural sciences, busin...